Lightarian Programs
Enhance Your Spiritual Journey
Light is everything; everything is Light
Learning the holistic view of the Light enables us to understand better that all levels of our subtle and physical bodies change and evolve based on our plans.
This leads to a better journey of building personal power and focusing on our unique spiritual experience.
Many of us are here to learn and grow through the human experience to bring more Light into this plane. We are here to refine and expand our talents and abilities to serve as spiritual teachers, energy workers, healers, communicators, and ambassadors. We are here to support the global-human ascension-descension process that is unfolding.
​As registered teachers from Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation (Sedona, US), we offer Lightarian programs to work personally with you to stimulate your awakening process and enhance your spiritual journey. More information can be found here.
The courses offered below provide powerful celestial connections to support the ascension process, which aids the spiritual transformation that is taking place on Earth right now. They helps you to connect either with the highest vibrational Reiki energies, the highest vibrational Angelic energies, or the Ascended Masters.